Hiking – Sawnee Mountain Preserve – Indian Seats Trail


Date(s) - 12/12/15
8:00 am - 6:00 pm

Category(ies) No Categories

List of Attendees

  • Rony K
  • Peter de Lastic
  • Deborah Saulino
  • Junjie Wu

Date: Saturday, December 12, 2015
Carpool Time: 8:30 am at Intown Community Church
Costs: $10 per person for 4 people sharing a car.
Hiking Distance: 4 miles
Difficulty Level: D2
Hike Leader: Peter de Lastic (770-880-2966)

This hike is open to anyone even younger children as it is not a difficult hike.

To finish up our hikes for the year we will hike a new trail that we have not done before. The Sawnee Mountain Preserve is just 40 miles north of Atlanta. It is mostly through woods with some good scenic views of Georgia’s Blue Ridge Mountains. It is a loop hike.


Things to bring:
– 1-1.5 liters of water
– Good hiking shoes or boots
– Layered clothing
– Hat and maybe gloves
– Lunch or snack
– Camera (optional)

We are creating a fund for the hiking group. This is to help compensate drivers if they should experience damage to their vehicles while driving or incur any fines for road violations or parking. We ask that every person hiking gives a $1 donation each time they hike, which will be collected when you sign the waiver document when you arrive. This money is separate from what you pay the driver for gas costs.


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