Hiking – Tallulah Gorge State Park


Date(s) - 05/14/16
8:00 am - 6:00 pm


List of Attendees

  • Rony K
  • Zhao Li

 Hike cancelled !


Tallulah Gorge State Park

Date: Saturday, May 14, 2016
Hiking Distance: 6 -7 miles
Difficulty Level: D3
Carpool Time: 8:00 AM at Intown Community Church (Let us know if you need a ride from your home to Intown Church when you sign up)
Cost: $15 per person for 4 people sharing a car
Hike Leader: Rony 

Tallulah Gorge State Park has some great looking waterfalls and a few easily walked trails. The difficulty level of D3 is only given because the hike includes the climb down and back up several hundred stairs to the bottom of the gorge.  This part of the hike is optional but there will be a climb down at least to the suspension bridge overlooking the gorge. 

NORTH & SOUTH RIM TRAILS (hikers only)
4 miles, round-trip. Mulched surface with exposed roots. Rated moderate.
The North and South Rim Trails consist of 3 miles round-trip which will take approximately 2 hours to hike. It is a mulched trail with exposed roots that is a leisurely walk. From the Interpretive Center there is a recycled rubber tire trail that accesses Overlooks 2 and 3.

3 miles. Paved. Rated easy.
This trail can be accessed from Terrora Circle Road, is paved and can be used for hiking, biking, skating, etc. It follows part of an old railroad bed.  This trail is very flat and follows the river upstream.  There is a reasonably good stopping place where we can go under a bridge and sit on the rocks or paddle (or swim if you are brave) in the river.

Things to bring:
– Backpack
– Lunch (eg. sandwich or wraps)
– snacks (eg. fruits/nuts/snackbar)
– Water (2 liters)
– Hiking Shoes & Pole
– Camera (optional)
– Sunglasses / hat
– Sunscreen



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