Table Rock SP, South Carolina


Date(s) - 10/22/16
7:30 am - 7:30 pm


List of Attendees

  • Miriam Kilimo
  • Peter de Lastic
  • Rony K
  • Bill Ulseth
  • Reza Karimi
  • Bron Rutkowski
  • yongyue Hu

Carpool Time: 7:30 am
Meeting place: Intown Community Church
Location: In SC about 150 miles northeast of Atlanta
Hiking Distance: 7.5 miles
Difficulty Level: D4
Costs: $20 per person for 4 people sharing a car.
Hike Leader: Peter de Lastic (770-880-2966)

This one of the best hikes done by the Atlanta each year. This hike has lots of great features, streams, small waterfalls, woods, rocky outcrops, lakes and best of all amazing views.

Table Rock Mountain located in SC, derives its name from a Cherokee legend: that the Great Spirit used the flat, granite summit as a dinner table. This hike climbs to the top of Table Rock Mountain, and then onto the side of the mountain where we will have lunch.  The hike is “in and out” which means we’ll take the same trail back to the bottom that we used to reach the top.  Coming down will be a lot quicker.

The hike is strenuous so you need to be in good shape or at least have been on a few D3 hikes with us. It is the equivalent of hiking up Stone Mountain 3 times in one day.  It is about a 2000 feet (660 meter) elevation change.

Please be aware that this is very long day as it will take us 2.5 hours of driving each way and about 5-6 hours of hiking. We will not get back to Intown before 7pm.

Tabel Rock SC

Required Items:
2-3 liters of water. You might want some energy drink like Gatorade.
Good hiking shoes or boots
Layered clothing it might be windy at the top (maybe a light wind jacket)
Lunch and snacks

Recommended Items:
Hiking poles or stick


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