Hiking – Raven Cliff Falls


Date(s) - 02/22/14
8:30 am - 5:00 pm


List of Attendees

  • Rony K
  • Melissa Karasek
  • Debbie Wehunt
  • Peter de Lastic
  • Shirley (xiaowei) Zheng

Date: Saturday, February 22, 2014
Carpool Time: 8:30 am at Intown Community Church
Driving time: 1.5 hours
Distance: 5 miles
Difficulty Level: D2
Cost: $10 per person for 4 people traveling in a car
Hike Leader: Peter de Lastic (770-880-2966)

Raven Cliff Falls are reached by the Raven Cliffs Trail that follows Dodd Creek to the falls. The trail, which is about 2.5 miles (4.0 km) in length, is relatively easy to hike until near the end. From 2,040 feet (620 m) at the trailhead near Bear Den Creek the path slopes gently upward to 2,600 feet (790 m) at the base of the falls. Blue blazes mark the trail, which is easy to follow.

The trailhead lies just off the Richard Russell Scenic Highway. From the parking area the trail runs northwest into a scenic valley teeming with mountain laurel, rhododendron, mixed hardwoods and moss-covered seepages. Along the way the trail passes smaller waterfalls, clear pools and cascading whitewater. The trail ends at an impressive 80-foot (24 m) cliff formation split down the middle with RavenCliffFalls in between. A steep path leading to the top of the cliff offers wonderful views of the valley and the creek below.

Things to bring:

– 1-1.5 liters of water
– Good hiking shoes or boots
– Layered clothing
– Hat and maybe gloves
– Lunch or snack.
– Camera (optional)


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