Hiking – Pine Mountain Trail, FDR State Park


Date(s) - 12/06/14
8:00 am - 5:30 pm


List of Attendees

  • Rony K
  • Faisal Binyahya
  • Peter de Lastic

Date: Saturday, December 6, 2014
Carpool Time: 7:30 am
Meeting place: Intown Community Church
Location: Near FDR State Park about 90 miles south of Atlanta
Costs: $15 per person for 4 people sharing a car.
Hike Leader: Peter de Lastic (770-880-2966)

Come enjoy the last hike of 2014. Instead of heading North we will be heading to the warmer climate of the South. The Pine Mountain Trail, a 23 mile footpath that crosses and follows the beautiful Pine Mountain ridge, offers clear crisp views of distant ridges in winter, with occasional snowfall, to the lush greens of summer ferns and foliage of lowland flora.  Wildflowers are abundant and spring brings flowering dogwood, native azalea, mountain laurel and rhododendron. Fall brings bright and beautiful colors, changing from day to day. With the connector trails that form seven loops there are over 40 miles of hiking trails for your enjoyment.

We will be hiking the about 7 miles on the trail and will shuttle cars so we don’t have to hike bike on the same part of the trail. 

Things to bring:
– 1-1.5 liters of water
– Good hiking shoes or boots
– Layered clothing
– Hat and maybe gloves
– Lunch or snack.
– Camera (optional)


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