Hiking – Pine Mountain near Cartersville


Date(s) - 11/16/13
9:00 am - 5:00 pm


List of Attendees

  • Rony K
  • Peter de Lastic

Date: Saturday, November 16, 2013
Carpool Time: 9:00 at Intown Community Church
Hiking Distance: 5 miles
Level: D2
Cost: $10 per person for gas payable to driver.

This is a good beginners hike. The leaves should still be good as we won’t be travelling too far north. So take advantage of the opportunity to see the Fall colors before they are gone.

The hike will begin at the east loop trailhead near Bartow Bridge Road. We’ll hike counter clock wise to reach the summit of Pine Mountain (1,562 ft.). We’ll have lunch at the summit before we hike the West loop and then the rest of the East Loop before getting back to our cars.

pine mtn cartersville map



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