Hiking – Fort Yargo State Park


Date(s) - 06/27/15
8:30 am - 4:00 pm


List of Attendees

  • Peter de Lastic
  • Rony K
  • Junjie Wu
  • Grace Melo


Date: Saturday, June 27, 2015
Hiking Distance: 7 miles
Difficulty Level: D2 (easy to moderate)
Carpool Time: 8:30 at Intown Community Church
Carpool Cost: $7 per person for 4 people sharing a car
Hike Leader: Peter de Lastic

Located between Atlanta and Athens, Fort Yargo State Park features a 1792 log fort built by settlers for protection against Creek and Cherokee Indians. Today, visitors come to Fort Yargo for its wide variety of outdoor recreation and scenery.  We will hike the Lake Loop Trail which although long has no steep inclines so it is easy to hike. A 260-acre lake offers a large swimming beach, fishing and boat ramps.  There is a nice beach area where we will go for a swim or if you don’t want to get totally wet you can just walk into the water as deep as you like. There are changing rooms at the beach area.

Lake Loop Trail (yellow blazes)
7-mile loop, easy to moderate

This relatively flat trail travels 7 miles around the lake and is open to both foot traffic and bicycles. The trail hugs the shoreline in many locations, offering good wildlife viewing. Hikers and riders may see white-tailed deer, squirrels, rabbits, raccoons and turtles. It also travels into wooded uplands for different views of plants and trees. Although it looks like an easy walk around the lake, the distance can be deceiving. Be prepared for three to four hours of walking if traveling the entire 7-mile loop.

Things to Bring:
-hiking boots/shoes or strong tennis shoes. No flip flops or sandals.
-lunch or snacks
-plenty of water or sport drink 1.5 – 2.0 litres
-camera (optional)
-bathing suit (if you want to get wet in the lake)


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