Hiking – Brasstown Bald


Date(s) - 04/04/15
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


List of Attendees

  • Peter de Lastic
  • Tao Luo

Date: Saturday, April 4, 2015
Hiking Distance: 5 miles
Difficulty Level: D2
Carpool Time: 8:00 AM at Intown Community Church
Cost: $15 per person for 4 people sharing a car
Hike Leader: Peter de Lastic (770-880-2966)

Beautiful Brasstown Bald, rising 4,784 feet above sea level, is Georgia’s highest mountain.  On clear days, the spectacular 360-degree view from atop the mountain allows you to see four states, including Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina. The surrounding area is home to a wide variety of plants and animals. The Visitor Information Center, located on the summit of the Bald, offers exhibits, video presentations and interpretive programs.

We will start our hike by driving to the main parking lot at Brasstown Bald and take the ½ mile trail to the top of the mountain.  It is a fairly steep climb of 425 feet but the view is worth it. We will then hike down to the parking lot and one of the trails down the mountain.   We will park a car at the place where the trail crosses the highway so that we don’t have to hike all the way back up the mountain which would be a very tough climb.

After hiking this trail we will either go to Lake Trahlyta at Vogel State Park or Ana Ruby Falls near Unicoi State Park and do a short hike either around the lake or to the falls.

Things to bring:
– daypack
– hiking shoes, tennis shoes or river shoes.
– lunch or snacks
– water (2 liters)
– $15 for driver


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